Our first destination was the Golden Pavilion, as the name suggests it is a big gold building in a huge garden. The entrance is a bit confusing, you have to pay an entrance fee, but the fee that is on display is not the one you have to pay if you only want to see the pavilion (the actual fee is lower, and I'm not sure what the more expensive one is for). After paying you are handed a ticket, that you give back almost immediately again.
As I was planning on buying a silk kimono we moved to the first floor. This floor is a lot bigger, with stacks of kimono everywhere. The shop lady explained what kinds of kimono were sold on this floor and in which price ranges. I explained that I would like a kimono for more formal occasions, thus she showed me a few furisode with shorter sleeves. While I was looking through the different colors and motifs another man showed a furisode with longer sleeves, but as this was even more formal (and I felt I wouldn't get that much wear out of it) so I decided to stick for the slightly less formal furisode.
I decided I wanted a pink kimono and found a beautiful salmon one whit a blue print at the bottom. The sales assistant showed me how to put on the kimono and what I needed to complete the outfit, which included a silk kimono where I settled for a nice red one. I ended up whit a huge pile of kimono items.
If you ever decide you want to buy a new kimono I would definitely advice to go to this shop!
We decided to return to the hotel to store my new purchases there and put our luggage in the room. The hotel is conveniently located bordering Gion, so we had decided to have dinner there. But, it seemed like Gion was deserted! As there wasn't much activity here and it seemed like a lot of shops were closed we chose to first go to the Fushimi Inari-taisha shrine (or the gate shrine as we conveniently called it) and find a place to eat afterwards.
As you might have already guessed we aren't really the temple/shrine loving kind of people, however we really like the Fushimi Inari-taisha shrine. The atmosphere is great, especially when it is getting dark and the lanterns are lighted. We walked around the premises a lot, took many photos and bought our own lucky torii!
The plan to find a nice place after the temple visit didn't really work out that well, the places we could find did not look or smelled good. So we went to the one place you can find nearly everywhere, yes you've guessed right, McDonalds.
All photos can be found at my flickr page